Crowns and Bridges

When you have stains, chips, or other tooth flaws, you might find it difficult to show your teeth when smiling or talking. This can bring down your quality of life and cause you to miss out on interacting in social events. Joseph Kim, DDS, can help you smile confidently again with crowns or bridges. At Smile Plant Dental, custom dental crowns and bridges will be personally made for you and will help you to hide tooth flaws and achieve a confident smile. Please call the office to book an appointment to start the journey to your new smile.

What is a dental crown made from?

Dental crowns are made from different materials, including porcelain, metal, and a mix of both materials. Porcelain crowns offer a more natural look than metal and they are highly durable. Dr. Kim will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type so you can choose the most appropriate crown for your teeth.

What should I expect when I get a dental crown?

Dr. Kim reshapes your tooth before having a dental crown made and placed on it. Doing so ensures that your dental crown offers a secure and comfortable fit. He will make impressions of your tooth and have a dental lab produce a custom-made crown.

Do I need a temporary crown?

You will need to wear a temporary crown until your permanent crown is ready. Doing so reduces your risk of having any problems with your tooth, such as more damage. Keep in mind that Dr. Kim might have to fill in some parts of your tooth if you have severe damage.

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge replaces missing teeth, so you don’t have gaps in your mouth. A bridge consists of an artificial or replacement tooth that is held in place by the teeth on either side. Dr. Kim might suggest getting a dental bridge if you have one or more missing teeth, as long as the teeth next to these gaps are healthy.

What should I expect from a dental bridge?

Dr. Kim reshapes the healthy teeth next to your gaps and puts crowns on them. He makes an impression of your teeth to have replacements made for the missing ones. When your replacement teeth are ready, Dr. Kim positions them and anchors them to the neighboring teeth.

If you need more information on dental crowns or bridges, please contact Smile Plant Dental for an appointment with Dr. Kim.